FTP, which is short for File Transfer Protocol, is the most popular means for sending web files to a web hosting account. Using an FTP client app that’s pre-installed on your desktop or laptop PC, you can connect to your web hosting server and copy all the files that you want with several clicks. This is done via a user-friendly GUI and it is as simple as dragging and dropping the aforementioned files. The advantage of using File Transfer Protocol is the fact that you are able to create different accounts, each with a different level of access to your web space, so if you would like to grant someone access, for example – a designer, they will be able to access only a specific directory and will not be able to view the rest of your web content or any other info, such as personal details. Three things are mandatory to be able to connect via FTP – a hostname, which is normally a domain or an IP, a username and a password.

FTP Accounts in Cloud Web Hosting

Our cloud web hosting packages will allow you to create numerous FTP accounts with just a few clicks of the mouse via the Hepsia Control Panel and to choose what files and folders each one can connect to. There’s no upper limit to the total number of accounts that you can create, so you will be able to have as many as you want at any particular moment. In case you wouldn’t like to use a certain FTP account any longer or in case a designer has fulfilled their job and you don’t want them to connect to the web content anymore, you can simply remove the account in question. The FTP section of the Hepsia Control Panel will allow you to check all currently existing FTP accounts shown in alphabetical order, together with various options, which you can access with a single click of the mouse. You’ll be able to edit the access path and the password, to download an auto-config file, etcetera. We also have in-depth help articles, which can help you manage your FTP accounts should you run into any impediment.

FTP Accounts in Semi-dedicated Servers

Our semi-dedicated plans are rather powerful, which makes them suitable for hosting lots of Internet sites. Speaking of which, we have chosen not to set a restriction on the number of FTP accounts that you can set up, so you can have a separate FTP account for each website that you host on our cloud platform. All FTP accounts will be displayed alphabetically in the respective section of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which is offered with each and every semi-dedicated server account. For any of them, you’ll be able to see the access path and to edit it, if necessary. What’s more, you can set up a new account in an FTP client of your liking by downloading an auto-configuration file and installing it on your PC, which will save you time. If you’ve never opened a hosting account before, you can check out our comprehensive educational videos, which can be accessed through the exact same Control Panel section.