File Manager in Cloud Web Hosting
Our cloud web hosting accounts are handled through the advanced Hepsia Control Panel, that includes a feature-rich File Manager tool. In case you have not had a hosting account before, you will be able to handle your content effortlessly, considering the fact that the File Manager is incredibly intuitive to use. It takes just a couple of clicks to set up, rename or delete a file, while relocating a file or an entire folder is as basic as dragging-and-dropping it to the preferred location. You shall be able to upload data in the same exact way - just choose the files on your pc and drag them to your web browser, then drop them within the File Manager, which will do the rest. Handy right-click menus will permit you to pack/unpack archives, to modify file permissions, to set up password-protected areas or to change a file with simple and advanced editors.
File Manager in Semi-dedicated Servers
The File Manager tool, which is an important part of our custom Hepsia web hosting Control Panel, shall give you complete control over your web content and will eradicate the need of employing third-party applications. If you would like to upload a file to your semi-dedicated server account, you'll only need to drag-and-drop it, due to the fact that the File Manager supports uploads, so you'll not need to employ an FTP client anymore. You'll also be able to relocate files and folders in the account just as easily and their structure will be kept unchanged. If you would like to change the permissions of any file, to set up a password-protected area for a domain or a subdomain or to edit a file by using a plain text or an HTML editor, you'll simply need to use the right-click, given that you could access all these functions from right-click context menus - you’ll feel like you’re working on your computer. To make handling your content much easier, you shall be able to sort it in ascending or descending order by last modified date, size or name.