PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Cloud Web Hosting
If you get a cloud web hosting plan from our company, you’ll never need to wonder whether or not your sites are compatible with the hosting environment, since we support multiple versions of PHP for the sake of your convenience. The Hepsia hosting Control Panel will permit you to choose PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 with just one click of the mouse and if you’d like to change the current version, the new settings will take effect right away. In this way, several years of work on sites built with an older PHP version won’t go down the tube. Our web hosting platform will even permit you to use a different PHP version for each domain hosted in your account, so you can use newer and older scripts simultaneously. Most hosting providers on the market offer one, sometimes two versions of PHP. In contrast to them, we strongly think that you should be the one to pick the version that your very own sites will use.
PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Semi-dedicated Servers
In case you have a site built on an earlier PHP version and you have committed time and effort to developing it, repairing safety breaches and appending web content, you’ll need to find a hosting service that can support it, since nearly all web hosting providers today offer only the most recent version of PHP and drop the older versions. We, however, have decided to allow you to select the exact version that your sites need. Our semi-dedicated plans support PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8, which goes to say that you’ll be able to run both newer and older scripts without losing any manual modifications or misspending time and efforts striving to make your websites compatible with the web hosting environment. The current version can be changed from the Hepsia hosting Control Panel and such a change will affect the entire semi-dedicated account, but you will also be able to specify a different version of PHP for each website hosted in your account by using an .htaccess config file.